Today, The Capitol Theatre stands as a testament to the community's commitment to its heritage and its long standing commitment to the arts. Our stage is home to Yakima Symphony Orchestra, Town Hall, and many local dance studios. We also proudly present top-quality touring Broadway musicals along with Capitol Kids, which is an education and outreach program for school-age children.
The Capitol Theatre
Downtown Yakima
The Capitol Theatre
Downtown Yakima
The Capitol Theatre
Downtown Yakima
The Capitol Theatre
Downtown Yakima
The Capitol Theatre
Downtown Yakima
The Capitol Theatre
Downtown Yakima
The Capitol Theatre
Downtown Yakima
The Capitol Theatre
Downtown Yakima
The Capitol Theatre
Downtown Yakima
The Capitol Theatre
Downtown Yakima
The Capitol Theatre
Downtown Yakima
The Capitol Theatre
Downtown Yakima
Bale Breaker Brewing Company
Yakima, Moxee
Yakima Steak Company
High Steppe Climbing Center
High Steppe Climbing Center
High Steppe Climbing Center
High Steppe Climbing Center
Yakima Valley Museum
Larson Gallery
The Public House of Yakima West
Outskirts Brewing Co
Yakima, Selah
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