Yakima Transit - Yakima , WA 

Yakima Transit

  • Yakima Transit operates from the City of Yakima Public Works Complex located at 2301 Fruitvale Boulevard, Yakima, WA. Yakima Transit has two transfer centers: the downtown facility is located at 105 South Fourth Street, one block south of Yakima Avenue. This center can accommodate twelve buses and has public restrooms. The second transit center location is on 21st Avenue and is a transfer point for our fixed bus route numbers 3, 4, 7, and 9. Yakima Transit also has eleven bus shelters and three park and ride lots.

    Contact Information

    2301 Fruitvale Blvd.

    Yakima, WA 98902




    Visit Website

Events for Yakima

Must See Yakima Valley Stops
